they know me as pipeta

the nerd wants his own personal website, he thinks he's way too cool to use social media

the weird guy in question doesn't like stuff just because they are main stream. he uses fking linux on his laptop and thinks he looks super cool. also his wall is full of vintage 1940s magazines pages, and also late 1990s tech magazines.
admin never used tiktok and uses a modded instagram app to prevent him from doomscrolling, but he does doomscroll on reddit :D.

also, he is not a native english speaker

the goblin is currently studying computer science.
his first contact with a pc game was call of duty 1 when he was 5 years old on his father's huge bulky hp laptop. since then he uses a pc daily, he was brutally adicted to league, this ruined his interest for most videogames.
the nerd wishes he could enjoy indie games, he has a huge steam library full of them but plays none.
currently in the minecraft arc.

the character is brutally trying to replace gaming with coding.
altough the suspect claims he doesn't like trendy stuff, this mf is into climbing, bouldering.

if you wish to contact the dumbass admin, send mail to , altough he uses linux, he doesn't selfhost his own email or use those weird email providers